Misiones' Green Certificates

The Province of Misiones in Argentina is the first subnational state in Latin America that has implemented a Ministry of Climate Change. It has been praised internationally and has even received a hand written letter from the Pope Francis itself praising this initiative. I'm working for this ministry and we are launching a Green Certificate through Blockchain Technology. It is implemented and regulated through the Misiones Program for Financial Innovation with Blockchain Technology and Criptocurrency which states that the "Green Certificate is the document that endorses the tangible and intangible benefits generated by ecosystem services, product of the limit to the economic exploitation of Misiones land in terms of the preservation of biodiversity". To this, we are working on the EcoInnova Misiones Challenge Program which aims to promote the implementation of eco-innovative projects, through the detection of climate action trends aimed at minimizing their impacts.
País de residencia líder del proyecto
¿En cuál objetivo de desarrollo sostenible apunta tu proyecto?
Goal 13: Climate action. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects,Goal 15: Life on land. Promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt the loss of biological diversity
¿En qué país o países opera tu proyecto?
Menciona cuál de los siguientes desafíos tiene por objetivo resolver tu proyecto
CHALLENGE # 1: Increase Green financing Can DeFi leverage financial resources to increase forest
¿Cuál es el problema que quieres resolver?
The Green Certificate is a way to certify the efforts that generate and create the tangible and intangible benefits through ecosystem services, product of the limit to the economic exploitation of Misiones land in terms of the preservation of biodiversity. We need to recognize the sacrifice made to safeguard our planet, our biodiversity and our climate. We, as the Ministry of Climate Change, will certify the ecosystem services offered by privates in Misiones thought our Green Certificates
¿Cuál es la solución que ideaste para resolver el problema identificado?
We need to increase the appeal of ecosystem services that help preserve our biodiversity and our natural capital. We, as the Ministry of Climate Change, will certify those services through Green Certificates that will be made with Blockchain Technology in order to be transparent, safe and secure. Privates and Companies can then purchase them knowing that they are helping save the planet as a potential way to compensate their own carbon footprint.
Cuéntanos de forma resumida cuál es el impacto que busca generar tu proyecto, menciona algunos indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos con los cuales lo pretendes medir.
We are still in an early phase of the Green Certificates and in the coming weeks, we will start an assessment of the ecosystem services offered in Misiones to get an estimate on the value that we can start generating. However, our first expectations are to generate revenue through our Green Certificates of about U$ 20 millions/year
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Hola Mauricio gracias por tu comentario. Te comento que estamos evaluando las diferentes opciones y sus caracteristicas y fortalezas. No hemos cerrado la puerta a ninguna posibilidad. Como explicaba en la propuesta, estamos a punto de lanzar un proyecto piloto que nos servirà para entender las necesidades puntuales y ahi encontrar las mejores soluciones. Si tenes alguna sugerencia o comentario, no dudes en contactarte con nosotros. Gracias
hace 3 años
Hola. Gracias por la postulación. Ya estamos a pocas horas del cierre y comenzará el proceso de evaluación. Aprovecho este espacio de "innovación abierta" para consultarles cómo están pensando la ejecución de las certificaciones, si es a través de Certificadoras Acreditadas o están evaluando la utilización de sensores remotos y su conexión a la blockchain a través de oraculos. Gracias
hace 3 años