Ainwater: la inteligencia del agua

Ainwater is a tech-based company (EBCT) focused on innovation by providing AI-driven digital solutions in the water sector to improve water management in all its forms. Our goal is to contribute to water security in LATAM by supporting the corporate and government sectors and driving the digital transformation of the sanitary and industrial sectors. This results in a positive impact on reducing the environmental footprint through direct and indirect emissions at Water Treatment Plants and the Gray Water Footprint they generate.Our solution is a software for optimizing and monitoring wastewater treatment processes, delivered in a SaaS format. This SaaS integrates data science, process engineering, and artificial intelligence into a single platform, helping to optimize water resources. It provides virtual support for management teams to reduce operational costs by up to 30% during treatment and improve water quality, ensuring regulatory compliance.
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¿A cuál desafío de las compañías (Cervecería ABInBev, Coca-Cola Andina y Coca-Cola Embonor) responde tu propuesta? Considerar procesos productivos industriales
Desafío 2: Uso inteligente de los recursos.
Indicar a cual sub-desafío de Uso inteligente de los recursos
Reutilización y Gestión Eficiente del Agua.
Define el nivel de desarrollo tecnológico de tu proyecto
7. Tengo un prototipo validado en el mercado.
Escribe los TAGS que identifiquen tu proyecto
IA, Digital Twins, Eficiencia Hídrica
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